Premium Power LED lighting in Oosterpoort garage, municipality Groningen, The Netherlands

Premium Power LED lighting in Oosterpoort garage, municipality Groningen, The Netherlands

Monday, October 17, 2011

"The master structure is ready"

The official grand opening of parking garage Houtwal from the municipality of Harderwijk takes place on Friday, October 14. This round underground parking garage is ready for use after 2 years of intensive building.

Houtwal garage has a surface of 11.000m2 and 450 parking spaces. The municipality installed 650 Premium Power LED
fixtures in the garage. These dimmable energy saving Power LED lights from the Dutch company RentaLite creates an average lux level of 109. The municipality of Harderwijk has chosen the Premium Power LED Basic. This lamp is dimmable via a DIP switch in 4 positions 30-25-20-15 watts, so the saving of 65% can increase to 85%. The financial savings per year are over € 30,000 and 106,325 kg of CO2.

Monday, October 10, 2011

RentaLite has now already saved 1 life year of 93,312 trees

RentaLite keeps track of how many life years of trees they save by keeping track of the CO2 reduction by the number of lamps installed. For every 27 kg of CO2, which is being saved through the Premium Power LED, a tree would have to grow for one year.

This means that RentaLite, by installing 9000 Premium Power LED lamps, they saved 1 life year 93,312 of trees. This means that it runs continuously by the number of lamps sold, and the numbers of hours the lamps are lit.